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Condition Monitoring


Early identification of damages to assets can contribute significantly to reducing downtime and preventing further damages. Especially for large gearboxes such as those used in steel mills and tire plants, replacement parts are not always available on short notice and repairs frequently involve costly and involved preparations such as removing conveyor belts and piping.
An unexpected failure can halt an entire production line for months. If possible damages are detected early, there is sufficient time to plan the repair, which can, in the ideal case, be synchronized with a scheduled maintenance break.
Our experts are available world-wide to provide condition monitoring services including endoscopy and vibration measurement. The taking of lubricant samples for analysis is also part of regular examinations.

We also offer our on-site inspections and endoscopy services at off-shore installations. This applies to wind turbines, converter stations, and others. Naturally, our inspectors hold the requisite safety certifications such as BOSIET, HUET, etc..

condition monitoring - endoscopy


Routine inspections of large industrial gearboxes are essential to keeping them running in good condition. Endoscopy is a natural complement to a visual inspection since it allows access to hard or impossible to reach areas such as the bearings.

vibration measurement

Vibration Measurement

Vibration measurement is another method of condition monitoring that can be applied to operating machinery to evaluate its operating conditions and identify possible damages.

lubricant analysis

Lubricant Analysis

Just like with a motor vehicle, the quality of the lubricant used in bearings and gearboxes is important. Taking regular samples between oil changes can help to monitor not only the condition of the oil, but also of the machine overall since early damages frequently leave traces in the lubricant.